Cape Verde

Key Results

  • In the Republic of Cabo Verde, funds were disbursed towards supporting projects on young women entrepreneurship, supporting the National Plan against gender violence; capacity building programme for women organisations; popularisation, ratification and domestication of the African Union Protocol on rights of women; empowering female providers of street food, capacity building programme for women organisations; fund-raising and grant-making initiative and popularization, ratification and domestication of the African Union Protocol on rights of women.
  • The organisations that were supported in the Republic of Cabo Verde include IEFP (Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissionalde Cabo Verde), ICIEG (Cape Verde Institute for Gender Equality and Equity), REPAO (Le Réseau sur les Politiques de Pêche en Afrique de l’Ouest) and Equality Now. In total, 7974 women and men were reached through the advancement of women rights and gender equality and human rights.