Nov 29, 2017 | Project

DIMOL - Santé des Femmes (Santé de la Reproduction pour une Maternité sans risque)

Training and sensitization of populations of 30 rural communities in six regions of Niger, namely the Agadez, Diffa, Maradii, Tahoua, Tillabéry and Zinder regions on approaches to gender, family planning and STI/HIV/AIDS

Republic of Niger

Amount: € 343,214.00


The aim of the DIMOL - Santé des Femmes project was to disseminate gender and health related information to 450 people living in 30 rural communities spread across 6 regions of Niger. Topics covered include reproductive health, the promotion of the rights of women and children, gender equality, family planning and prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and prevention of the transmission of STI/HIV/AIDS by bringing about behavioural change.  Women's economic interest groups were established in the 30 communes. Women constitute 51% of the population of Niger. Their decisive role in maintaining the harmony, balance and survival of the family unit, and even social and economic development of a whole country, means that it is essential to fight against the poverty that they face. It is within this framework that the NGO DIMOL initiated a project to strengthen the economic circumstances of rural women's groups through training and raising awareness in order to better equip them

Key results

  • The capacity-building initiatives has enabled them to increase their economic contribution, improve their health, and increase their involvement in the management of their communities. However, it is essential that the woman also enjoy a good state of health.  
  • Sensitization sessions on family planning, and on the prevention of HIV/AIDS were conducted with a strong focus on preventing mother-to-child transmission of disease. To this end, the project supported 300 women members of 30 women's groups.