Nov 29, 2017 | Project

EAA (Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique)

Reduction of gender inequalities in access to the benefits of water, sanitation and sanitation services in five West African countries (PRI-EHA / West Africa)

Republic of Mali
Republic of the Niger
Togolese Republic
Republic of Benin
Republic of Guinea-Bissau

Amount: € 249,888.00  ( 1st disbursement)

Project cancelled after implementation of the first disbursement.


The aim of the EAA (Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique) project, undertaken in Benin, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Togo, was to promote and facilitate women’s access to potable water and sanitation and to provide employment opportunities within the water and sanitation sector. National and international government policies relating to water, sanitation and hygiene were examined to assess to what extent they embodied a gender perspective and consideration was then given to how institutions and other stakeholders could address the need to incorporate gender neutrality into policies governing the sector.

The EAA project included training and capacity building initiatives to influence policies and strategies, and the dissemination of information on hygiene, drinking water and sanitation. Radio programs dealing with human equity were produced and disseminated; 4 training workshops in advocacy and small business management were held, and a trade directory was developed. Furthermore, technical training was provided which covered the design, installation and maintenance of water and sanitation systems.