Nov 29, 2017 | Project

SADEV (Health and Development)

Youth, Gender and HIV/AIDS

Republic of Niger

Amount: € 63,323.00


SADEV is a non-governmental organisation working in the Republic of Niger which specialises in healthcare. SADEV specifically focuses in the fight against sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and HIV/AIDS. SADEV used the disbursement from the NEPAD Spanish Fund for African Women Empowerment to carry out several awareness-raising activities reaching some 12,390 young people from selected schools in the town of Fada and in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Prevention activities include educational lectures, cultural evenings for young girls and boys as well as debates and screenings of HIV/AIDS films. Additionally, the project included a training element covering gender and HIV/AIDS aspects, communication skills for behaviour change, hairdressing, and computer skills. SADEV facilitated the distribution of a wide range of informational materials on STIs and HIV/AIDS. This project underscores the goal for healthy and well- nourished citizens outlined in Aspiration 1 of the AU’s Agenda 2063 and supports as the Millennium Development Goal to promote gender equality and empower women.

Key results

  • The SADEV awareness-raising activities reaching some 12,390 young people in selected schools and in Fada in the Niamey region.
  • Seven computer and Internet training sessions were organized for girls in the urban community of Niamey. A total of 70 school-going girls and hairdressers benefited directly from these courses.
  • To stimulate cascade training within the community, 9 training sessions on gender and HIV/AIDS for young people were organized in the Niamey region. These training sessions helped train 90 girls and 90 boys. As soon as they were trained, these young people began to raise awareness in the five communes of the Niamey region.
  • Six cultural evenings for the benefit of young people were attended by 5,616 participants including more than 2,690 girls.