Dec 28, 2015 | News

From Busan to Mexico: The roadmap for Development Effectiveness

After Busan, south Korea, in 2011, what should Africa achieve in Mexico or bring back from Mexico to ensure that development is effective, inclusive and sustainable?  

Two participants from Parliament and Civil Society are giving their view point

Mrs Lyn Chiwandamira, Senior International Relation Officer at the Pan- African Parliament, Midrand , South Africa  

’The Pan-African Parliament(PAP) welcomes the NEPAD initiative to include the Parliament technical staff on the Mexico process.

For the PAP, the point of departure is that members of Parliament at national level, regional and continental level should be involved in the formulation, implementation and oversight of the African position for the conference in Mexico. This is because there will be need for policy shift and adjustment after the conference in Mexico.

The PAP has structure to ensure effective implementation and monitoring oversight of the output and recommendations arising from Mexico’’.

imageDr. Dereje Alemayehu, Senior Economic Justice Adviser, Christian Aid, Nairobi, Kenya 

‘’With regards to the private sector, I hope there will be a commitment to create an enabling international environment in which fledging African private sector is not exposed to a stifling unequal competition.

 I would also like to believe that concerning Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) and taxation, an international agreement  will be initiated that curtails tax dodging by multinationals and wealthy individuals and enables African countries to obtain their fair share of taxes on benefit from economic and commercial activities in their countries. 

And finally I would like to see an expanded definition of corruption as a ‘’ triangular crime’’ involving givers, takers and facilitators whereby all three are exposed and combatted because the current talk about corruption appears to  look at  only at takers and virtually de- criminalising  givers and facilitators ( business,  tax haven secrecy jurisdictions)’’