African Union Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S): Spotlight Newsletter: Edition One: May 2021

African Union Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S): Spotlight Newsletter: Edition One: May 2021

African Union Smart Safety Surveillance (AU-3S): Spotlight Newsletter: Edition One: May 2021

In this Edition:

  1. Introducing the AU’s Smart Safety Surveillance Programme

  2. Launch of a vaccine-specific reporting form for the Med Safety App

  3. Data is now in the Data Integration and Signal Detection System

  4. The AU-3S Joint Signal Management Group has been established

  5. AU-3S Capability strengthening

  6. AU-3S COVID-19 initiatives mapping

  7. Upcoming AU-3S perspective on safety surveillance in Africa

  8. Get to know the AU-3S team

  9. Links to additional safety-related resources