Africa’s path to 2063: Choice in the face of great transformation

Africa’s path to 2063: Choice in the face of great transformation

Africa’s path to 2063: Choice in the face of great transformation
  • Agenda 2063: A strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years.
  • Current Path: A central reference scenario created by the Pardee Center within the International Futures model framework that represents a general continuation of development process in government, business, and development. It is a most-likely development trajectory for the continent.
  • Demographic dividend: The potential for economic growth resulting from a demographic structure in which the working-age population (aged from 15 to 64) is larger than the dependent populations of children (younger than 15) and elderly (65 and older).
  • Gini coefficient: A statistical measure capturing the equality of distribution in an outcome indicator. Often this is used to measure income inequality by assessing the distribution of GDP per capita in a country.
  • Gross domestic product (GDP): The total value of goods and services produced in a country measured at market exchange rates. GDP can be measured at market exchange rates (MER) or at purchasing power parity (PPP).
  • Human Development Index (HDI): A measure developed by the United Nations Development Programme that measures levels of human development across three dimensions: education, health, economics.
  • Information communication technology (ICT): Technologies such as mobile phones, smart phones, and fixed line broadband.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA): An international organization dedicated to research and advocacy to promote reliable, affordable, and clean energy.
  • International Futures (IFs): The integrated quantitative modeling framework used in this report, available for free at
  • Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM): Soil management methodology that incorporates locally available resources to improve productivity.
  • Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD): is an intergovernmental economic organization with membership made up mostly of Western states with high GDP per capita.
  • Scenario: Forecast scenarios are alternative futures modeled within the International Futures platform. Scenarios can be used to frame uncertainty and help policy-makers think about how the world is developing.
  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH): Water, sanitation, and hygiene are key measures of human development and are the focus of sustainable development goal 6.
  • Youth bulge: Refers to the share of the population aged from 15 to 29 and thought to be a factor which may contribute to social unrest and/or political instability.