Knowledge Compendium on Domestication of the Malabo Declaration

Knowledge Compendium on Domestication of the Malabo Declaration

Knowledge Compendium - Final_compressed.pdf

The African Union Knowledge Compendium on Malabo Domestication


Agriculture has the potential to radically transform the African economy by contributing to a prosperous, inclusive and uplifting future for its people. To this end, African Heads of State and Government in 2014 adopted the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods. Among others, this served to re-affirm the commitments of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). The Malabo Declaration repositioned agriculture as a priority on the continental development agenda. To achieve the ambitious goals and targets formulated in the Malabo Declaration, African Union Member States have endeavoured to develop and implement National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs) at country level which take into account the processes and topics outlined in the vision.


The AU Knowledge Compendium on Malabo Domestication, published by AUC-DREA and AUDA-NEPAD and supported by GIZ, covers these processes and topics in 22 individual Knowledge Notes of four pages each. Their introductory character shall enable a wide group of stakeholders involved or interested in the continental and national CAADP processes to get a first, yet substantial, overview of the topics considered key for achieving the Malabo goals and targets. The Knowledge Notes address why those topics are key, provide guidance on how to adequately take them into account when developing national policies and frameworks for agricultural transformation and link to further information. They complement and break down the existing body of technical guidelines and information around the Malabo Declaration and its operationalization. As such, the Knowledge Compendium does not claim to be exhaustive. Rather, it intends to be a living document which is updated and added to regularly. The Knowledge Notes will be made accessible on the AUDA-NEPAD CAADP portal.

Download the complete document or click on an area below to download the individual section.

Topic list