Vocational Skills Development and Training in Agriculture

Vocational Skills Development and Training in Agriculture (ATVET)

Vocational Skills Development and Training in Agriculture (ATVET)

Achieving Malabo goals of agriculture growth and food security is hampered by a lack of critical skills in the sector due to outdated curricula and lack of alignment to private sector demands. Youth entrepreneurship and youth empowerment through capacity building is a solution to the youth bulge and ensuring food security. Targeted capacity building should strengthen leadership abilities, personal development and competencies such as self-confidence, innovation and creativity, the ability to take initiative, willingness to take calculated risks and to collaborate in the agriculture space. Capacity building in agriculture should be holistic, encompassing the environment, organization and institutions responsible for training and the individual’s capacity and willingness to undertake and utilize the training. Investing in the capacity and skills of smallholder farmers generally offers best return on investment as it expands employment opportunities and incomes in rural areas beyond the agricultural sector due to spill-over effects.