Increased Public and Private Financing for ATVET

Increased Public and Private Financing for ATVET

Increased Public and Private Financing for ATVET_Booklet_Interactive Increased Public and Private Financing for ATVET_Booklet_Print Increased Public and Private Financing for ATVET_Folder Cover_Print

Using the experiences of AUDA-NEPAD’s Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) project, and with contributions from the Skills Development and Education team from Helvetas, this document provides an overview of strategies and tools to increase public and private financing for ATVET institutions. It is aimed at national decision-makers/policy-makers, to motivate them to steer policy toward diverse sources of funding for ATVET or to encourage ATVET to seek more funding partnerships with private institutions.

Four country case studies illustrate some of the approaches which the ATVET Project used. The first case study (Benin) explores an alternative model of private funding; the other three case studies (Burkina Faso, Kenya and Tunisia) are discussed in terms of their achievements, and factors affecting implementation. The document also contains a graphic that summarizes the advantages and risks of the main players for financing ATVET: central Government, development partners, the private sector and households. The tool is in the form of an interactive pdf booklet. A ready-for-print version is also included.

For more information contact: Geoffroy Gantoli