
Webinar: Labour Market Information Systems

Labour Market Information Systems (LMIS) Webinar

Labor market information is defined as all of the information about the labor market, which includes the structure, characteristics and dynamics of the labor supply (e.g. its composition, skills or qualifications), and of labor demand (employer locations, industry, sectors, skills needs, types of jobs being offered, hiring practices, etc.) (FHI360:2016). Many of the African Union Member States have identified the establishment of functional and relevant LMIS as a priority to address and match gaps in the job market as a key transformational objective under Agenda 2063.

The Skills Initiative For Africa (SIFA) hosted a webinar on the topic of LMIS and the discussion was centered around the following points:

  • Creating an understanding about LMIS.
  • Placing Labour Market Information in the context of skills development.
  • Generating discussion on the value of LMI to understand tomorrow’s labour market.
  • Sharing information about types of LMIS’s.
  • Learning from two practical African experiences.


Should you wish to listen to the webinar and view the presentations, please use this link to preview the webinar or download it: